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Mummy Diaries

Mummy Diaries



Being a parent really makes you grow; it’s stretches you.

No, I am not talking about the fading yet still visible marks that often remain across a new mother’s body. True, those marks do tell their own story about how a belly grows to a remarkable and unprecedented size — but what I mean, is by having a child you become an adult! Yes, even if you have already been adulting for some time now, you quickly realize that your previous level of adultness was in fact incomplete.

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Mummy Diaries

Hold On To Your Hope

I would like to tell you a story. This story is a true story, and one I believe needs to be shared. It’s not an easy story to tell, and in fact it’s quite uncomfortable to tell it. Finding the right words has been like grasping at the wind; just when you think you’ve caught it, it slips right through your fingers.

I’ve heard it said that miracles happen every day, but we’ve just become so used to seeing them that we don’t recognize them for what they truly are anymore. I think that is very true.

This story is about a miracle; three miracles really. The first two I will tell you about soon enough. The third miracle – the smaller but still important miracle, is that I have been able to share this story with you here today.

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Mummy Diaries

Welcome To Motherhood

Our sweet little Willow has arrived, and so has motherhood! It’s only been six week so far (at the date of writing this), and our exciting journey together has just begun. Already however, I have learned so much from our sweet baby girl.

She had a bit of a bumpy road to begin with– a good number of hospital stays, nurse proddings, and more blood tests than some people have in a lifetime, but now that’s all behind us and we’re home sweet home!

Willow starts each day with smiles and gurgles on her changing mat where she has learned to pull mummy’s hair. Her neck muscles are rapidly strengthening and growing now, as is her desire to look around at her new colourful world.

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